How does the online course work? | How much does it cost? | Who is the course aimed at? | Support and requirements | How do I enrol?
N.B.: online Italian course is not available at the moment
The ICON course (Italian Culture on the Net) is an interactive online language learning course with a database full of resources which is regularly updated.
How does the online course work?
To access the online Italian course you have to buy a username and password (at the same time you enrol on the course).
The password is valid for a whole year and students receive this by e-mail (for students attending Trento University the university e-mail address is used), within 15 days of the date of enrolment and payment.
How much does it cost?
The course costs 30.00 Euro.
After having enrolled, you can access the following internet portal:
You are free to decide the methods and time you dedicate to learning the language (logging on at home or via any other Internet access point).
Who is the course for?
- students at Trento University
- students enrolled on single courses in university departments who still have to take the required exams
- doctoral students at Trento University
- postgraduate students at Trento University
- students at Trento and Riva Conservatoire undertaking studies on the two-year or three-year degree courses and the teaching qualification course
- students on degree courses in Healthcare Professions
- Trento University employees (technicians, administrative staff, students with grant-assisted places, researchers and lecturers)
Members of the general public and employees of organizations which are partners of Trento University may access the online course only if they are already attending a CLA course.
Support and technical requirements
During the online course you can ask for help from a mother tongue CLA tutor by e-mail or in person. The tutor is available to give advice or answer any language questions you may have.
In the "Download" box you can find the technical computer requirements in order to log into ICON, the tutors’ email addresses and their office hours as well as the Questionnaire which will help your tutor get to know you. This should be downloaded and filled in then sent to the tutor.
How do I enrol?
If YOU ARE NOT A UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO STUDENT, before doing the placement test and/or enrolling on a course, you have to register for CLA University Language Centre services by filling in the online form .
After having completed the form, within 3 working days you will receive an e-mail from the CLA Secretary’s Office giving details of the procedure to follow in order to access online services.
To enrol on the course, log into MyCLA identifying yourself with your official UNITN username and password: