Departments of Physics and Mathematics, courses in Computer Science, ICE and CIBIO

Three-year Bachelor's Courses

Courses are free for students who have to prepare for the entrance test and language exam (‘prova di conoscenza linguistica’) in their first language and second language (if expected).
Students must enrol online.

Courses are free for students enrolled on the degree courses in Physics and Mathematics who have to prepare for a language exam for languages chosen as “free credits”. Students must enrol online.
In order to attend the courses free of charge the code of the language chosen must be included in your study plan in Esse3.

Master's Degrees in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and AIS

Courses are free for students who have to prepare for the language exam (‘prova di conoscenza linguistica’) for “further linguistic skills” (and for Italian exam, excluding Mathematics Degree).
Students must enrol online.

In order to attend the courses free of charge the code of the language chosen must be included in your study plan in Esse3.

Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology and in Quantitative and Computational Biology

Courses are free for students who have to prepare for the language exam.
Students must enrol online.

In order to attend the courses free of charge the code of the language chosen must be included in your study plan in Esse3.