application/pdfLibri di testo(PDF | 143 KB)
application/pdfLivelli di apprendimento linguistico(PDF | 94 KB)

What are blended courses?

Specialist English for Engineering blended courses for levels B2

Specialist blended courses consist of:

  • one classroom lesson per week of two and a quarter hours for a total of 27 hours or 36 “academic hours”;
  • an online interactive language learning course with a rich and regularly updated database of activities where your progress is monitored by your teacher.

There are two courses per level: “type 1” and “type 2”. They differ in the themes covered, not the level so it does not matter if you do type 1 and then type 2 or type 2 and then type 1 for each level.

When are the courses held?

From October to December and from March to May (one lesson a week) at Mesiano.

1st cycle from 7th October to 20th December 2024

(excluding 1st November 2024)

Duration: 12 weeks

Lessons: one lesson per week of two and a quarter hours. 

Language and levels: B2 specialist English

Timetables: available at Calendar and course timetables from 20th September 2024


2nd cycle from 3rd March to 30th May 2025

(excluding from 17th to 22nd April, 25th  April, 1st and 2nd May 2025)

Duration: 12 weeks

Lessons: one lesson per week of two and a quarter hours. 

Language and levels: B2 specialist English

Timetables: available at Calendar and course timetables from 14 February 2025


Here you will find further information on specialist English for Engineering blended courses.

There is no course book for English blended courses. In the Downloads box you will find:

  • the CLA language learning levels
  • the syllabus for each level