Specialised tutoring service for students with special educational needs
The specialised tutoring is a supportive, individual tutoring service, aimed at students with special educational needs (SEN).
How to access the service
To access the tutoring service, students must have contacted the "Servizio Inclusione Studente", writing to inclusione.studente@unitn.it . This step is essential in order to identify any compensatory and/or dispensative measures to be applied to the Examinations in the study plan and to the Language tests of the University Language Centre.
The specialised tutoring service is by appointment. Reservations close one week before the date of the single appointment.
Structure of the Service
It is organised as follows:
- an initial exploratory meeting, involving an interview with a tutor representing the language with which you are concerned. The purpose is to discover the student’s specific needs, so as to be able to offer a pathway aimed at developing strategies to confront the language test;
- a series of meeting (to a maximum of four), arranged/agreed with the student, based on the requirements identified.
The student is asked to bring the following documents to the initial interview:
- the form referring to the special arrangements which students with special educational needs (SEN);
- (if possible) the personal Learning Agreement, issued by the High School .
Where do the meetings take place?
The specific tutoring meetings are held in the tutoring room c/o the CLA in via Verdi 8 on the 2nd floor.
How to take an appointment
Students can book an appointment for specialised tutoring at the following link: Specialised tutoring service for SEN students